Cursus beschrijving
Let op: dit is een cursus in het Engels
The course will explore the origins, principles, methods of application and rationale of Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT) technique: a non-invasive, safe and fairly common osteopathic approach, originally conceived as an indirect technique to address articular strains. It will be shown how to apply BLT on all joints in the body, evaluated as balanced ligamentous articular mechanisms that may be altered after injury, infection or mechanical stress. The phases of 1) tissue disengagement, 2) exaggeration of the dysfunctional pattern, 3) balance of the ligamentous tension and 4) release will be explained, practiced and supported by the latest scientific evidence.
- 11 november 2022
- 12 november 2022
- 13 november 2022
De kosten voor deze cursus bedragen €750 en dat is inclusief koffie, thee, lunch, parkeren en documentatie. De NRO accreditatie is voor deze cursus momenteel in aanvraag. NOF heeft de cursus geaccrediteerd voor 22 punten.
De volgende onderwerpen worden belicht
● De oorsprong, principes, toepassingsmethoden en de grondgedachte van de Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT)-techniek.
● Hoe de BLT-techniek op alle gewrichten in het lichaam kan worden toegepast na verwonding, infectie of mechanische belasting.
● De fasen van:
- Weefselonthechting
- Het disfunctionele patroon
- Balans van de ligamenteuze spanning
- Loslaten van de spanning
De cursus wordt in het Engels gegeven door Paolo Tozzi DO.
Over Paolo Tozzi:
Master Science in Osteopathy at the Dresda University (Germany); Doctorat en Osteopathie and Posturologie at the International Association Jean Monnet, amongst the European University Foundation of Bruxelles (Belgium); Bachelor Science Honours Degree in Osteopathy, D.O., at the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone (UK); Degree in Physiotherapy at the Universitå Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (Italy); Master Level Reiki Diplome at the Sri Papaji Centre, Rome (Italy).
Head of Academics of the ASOMI College of Sciences in Malta; Honorary Tutor in College of Human and Health Sciences for the Swansea University; former Treasurer of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (Os.E.A.N.); former Viceprincipal of the School of Osteopathy CROMON of Rome; former Vicepresident of the Italian Association of Posturologists (A.I.R.O.P.).
Member of the Fascia Science and Clinical Applications Advisory Board of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies; Reviewer for Handspring Publishing (UK); Former reviewer for the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.
Lecturer of biomechanics and manual therapy in different universities in Rome; Lecturer of various post-graduate courses on osteopathic subjects in Italy, Europe and overseas; Speaker in various national and international congresses of osteopathic medicine and manual therapy (included the International Fascia Research Congress); Author of various articles on fascia and fascia research; Expert on Osteopathy applied to domestic and exotic animals.