Osteopathy in the Visceral Field

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  • Robert Muts DO, DM, MSC, Jeroen de Blok DO, Jaap Zwaan DO, Sacha Prins DO., Lex Flisijn DO.

  • Incl. Tea, coffee & lunch

  • Live Lecture

  • 3 x 3 days 2024 - 2025

  • € 2.550,- Total; Course 3x3 days

  • Accr. NRO: 72 punten voor de hele cursus Accr. NOF: 66 punten voor de hele cursus

    Course description

    Refresher Course: Osteopathy in the Visceral Field

    An extensive course (3 x 3 days) as refresher in osteopathy in the visceral field. This course briefly repeats anatomy, physiology and pathology, but mainly emphasizes the osteopathic vision. Osteopathy in the visceral field is on the one hand young and on the other hand not so well known, but popular. With over 30 years of experience in education, dissection and practice, the details, science and practical application are taught in theory and practice. Both statements that are scientifically proven and those that are unsubstantiated, are discussed.

    A course with an emphasis on craftsmanship, precise palpation and applied therapy, to actually help the patient.


    I. Concept osteopathy in the visceral field, Oesophagus, Gaster, Duodenum, Intestinum.
    II. History of the visceral field, Colon, Hepar, V. Fellea, Ren
    III. V. Urinaria, Rectum, Pancreas, Lien, Integration of the above. 
    Possible extension to Cor, Pulmones, Endocrinology, Diaphragmata.  

    Course Dates

    • 3x3 days 
    •  21 - 23 November 2024
    • 16 - 18 January 2025
    • 27 - 29 March 2025

    Costs of the Course

    Euro 2.550,- total Course of 3 x 3 days. (€ 850,- per module)


    Osteopathy in the Visceral Field

    Dates:  2024 - 2025


    LEVEL I -  21 - 23 November 2024

    • The Concept of Osteopathy in the Visceral Field
    • The Oesophagus & Gaster, with all its components. 
    • The Duodenum & the small Intestine
    • All explained in anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, dysfunctions, testing and treatment. 


    LEVEL II - 16 - 18 January 2025

    • The History of Osteopathy in the visceral field
    • The Colon, Hepar & Vesico Fellea, Ren
    • All explained in anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, dysfunctions, testing and treatment. 


    LEVEL III - 27 - 30 March 2025

    • The Vesica Urinaria, Rectum, Pancreas & Lien
    • The impact of the different body cavities.
    • The Overview and the applicability to the practical application. 

    Robert Muts DO, DM, MSC

    Teachers from several disciplines will coach this Course for Perpetuum at the IMC at Amsterdam. 

    • Robert Muts DO, DM, MSC, teacher Osteopathy since 1992, mainly Osteopathy in the visceral field & philosophy. More than 30 years of experience in teaching and practising.  
    • Jeroen de Block DO, teacher Osteopathy in physiology & in the visceral field and Head of Education.
    • Jaap Zwaan DO, teachter Osteopathy in examination and Head of Clinics.
    • Sacha Prins DO, Teacher Osteopathy in the cranial field and Head of Student Affairs. 
    • Lex Flisijn DO, Teacher Osteopathy in the visceral field, preparing a Master-Thesis in the visceral field.

    Another approach to viscera

    This course is based on the approach to the viscera, as taught at College Sutherland in Amsterdam.

    An extra emphasis is placed on:

    1. Application of embryology and evolution;
    2. The phenomenological approach to dysfunctions;
    3. Application of A.P.E.N. (Autocrine, Paracrine, Endocrine, Neurocrine);
    4. Transparency of the 5 osteopathic models;
    5. Integration, inhibition and interpretation of the dysfunction;
    6. Typology in TPR (therapist-patient-relationship);
    7. Holistic approach: looking differently and looking at the complaints multi-causally.

    The course is supported by the upcoming editions of the book 'Osteopathy in the Visceral field', by Robert Muts.

    This book, consisting of 4 parts; with extensive knowledge and knowledge, implementation and assessment of the skills, will be published in early 2024.

    Course Location


    • Contactweg 145-153
    • 1014 BJ Amsterdam

    Osteopathy in the Visceral Field

    Teacher: Robert Muts D.O. et al.

    Location: IMC, Perpetuum, Contactweg 145-153, 1014 BJ Amsterdam

    Costs: € 2.550,- total Course of 3 x three days (€ 850,- per Module)

    Attention: With Signing up (aanmelden) you get a new page (Campus = ELO) you will have to select alumnus account, then you can choose your language. 

    Sign up

    € 2.550,-